About Deanne Weir

Deanne Weir is a former media lawyer and executive turned producer, investor and company director. She is passionate about storytelling, change-making and gender equality.

Drawing insight from a distinguished corporate career including legal and senior executive roles at Telstra, Austar and Foxtel, Deanne now works across the screen and technology industries and the social sector. Deanne has held leading board and advisory roles within companies in which WeirAnderson.com has invested, across the screen, music, publishing and technology industries.

Deanne is Chair of Seer Data & Analytics, a civic technology start-up helping the social sector make better decisions through the use of data and insights. Deanne was Chair of ASX-listed Ai-Media Technologies Ltd (ASX:AIM) for 14 years, retiring in February 2024.

A board member and then Deputy Chair of Screen Australia until 2016, Deanne was instrumental in the development of its Gender Matters program. Deanne was Chair of the Sydney Film Festival until November 2023. Through WeirAnderson Films and Storyd Group, Deanne invests in Australian female creatives making feature films for international audiences, with Deanne acting as Executive Producer on many projects. Deanne is also Chair of For Film’s Sake, an advocacy organisation providing opportunity for all women in production, distribution and cultural exhibition.

Deanne leads The WeirAnderson Foundation, a private ancillary fund with a strong focus on gender equality, cultural institutions, and social justice. Her passion for human rights and previous life as a lawyer led Deanne to the Grata Fund, where she has been Chair since 2018. Grata assists Australian citizens to bring important litigation to push back against unfair laws and policies in the areas of human rights, climate change and democracy. Deanne is also a Trustee of global NGO The Asia Foundation.

Deanne Weir delivers the 2017 Monash University Law School alumni address

Top banner photo: L-R Jan Chapman, Margaret Pomeranz, Rachel Ward, Deanne Weir at the 2019 Sydney Film Festival (photo credit Belinda Rolland)