About WeirAnderson.com

Since 2012, Deanne Weir’s private company, WeirAnderson.com, has been investing in businesses and screen projects that aim to change the way we experience the world.


WeirAnderson.com has invested in technology and media-related businesses, often experimenting with both new content distribution models and how technology can be leveraged for better social outcomes. Recognising the significant imbalance in investment funds available to female founders, our focus is increasingly on businesses led by women.

Investee companies include:

  • Ai-Media Technologies Limited (ASX:AIM)

  • Seer Data & Analytics

  • Future Group (owner of Future Super and Verve Super)

  • Othelia.


We invest in screen stories through both WeirAnderson Films and Storyd Group. Storyd Group is a joint venture with Olivia Humphrey, founder of the global streaming platform Kanopy. Deanne and Olivia founded Storyd in 2022 to develop and invest in internationally-targeted feature films from Australian female creatives.

Top banner photo: Courtesy Ai-Media Technologies